Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog Post # 12

Watch this video A Vision of K-12 Students Today. This video was created to inspire teachers to use technology that engage ways that help students develop higher level thinking skills. After watching this video write two or more paragraphs about you thoughts or comments.

I like this video. Students nowadays are tewnty-first century learners. They are exposed to technology at an early age. In the video students use technology to listen to music using ipods, spending time on the computer, and have parents who uses email, technology is around students all the time. Students are expected to be able to create and share information with others, but how can they do this when 76% of teachers has not used Wikis, Blog, or Podcast.
Teachers play a huge role in how students react to technology. When teachers include and engage students in the learning of technology , we will have students who will know how to think, create, apply, evaluate, and analyze.


  1. Shirley,

    This was an interesting video, but I feel like this was already an assignment…. maybe we just watched a video similar to it. Anyways, it is important for teachers to be technologically literate because students are constantly surrounded by technology. We do need to teach students to be independent learners who can "think, create, apply, evaluate, and analyze." I think this is something all educators need to realize.

  2. Hey Shirley,

    Did we watch this video? It seems familiar, but it may have just been a link on the end of another one we watched. Students growing up in today's society are surrounded by technology and we, as teachers, need to take full advantage of that. It can be such a valuable and relevant tool in encouraging creative learning!

  3. Hi Hillary,

    Thanks for the post! I research prior Blogs Posts and there was one called A Vision of Students Today, I watched the video and it was different from my post Which is title A Vision of K-12 Students Today. Again thanks for the posting.
