1. Mr. McClung is an eighth grade teacher at Woodland jr. High in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. McClung teaches social studies and computer application and uses blogging as a tool to share what's happening in the classroom. Mr. McClung also uses blogging for his cross country team.
2. Mr. McClung likes to use technology in his classroom. Mr. McClung is a dedicated teacher who encourages his students to do their best. He also tries his best to bring high energy to the classroom everyday, engage students with team and partner work, and tries his best to keep things fun for his students.
3. I really like the gestures/rules that Mr. McClung uses, rules are important especially for first year teachers. Rules are establish to lets students know what is expected of them.
4. Using a planner is a great resource for students to write down when and what assignments are due which helps keep students on track.
5. Late work for Mr. McClung is usually a decrease in a letter grade for the number of days late, in comparsion to Dr. Strange's late work, failure to complete assignments and projects not posted on time will earn an individuals an F in the course.
6. Mr. McClung hopes that his blog will be the main resources of communication between parents, students, and teachers about what is happening in his classroom.
7. I reviewed the articles Arkansas History which is a curriculm of what students will learn such as the geography of Arkansas, and Fayetteville Public Schools. Fayetteville Public Schools is a site that shows what is going on in the schools such as curriculum updates, activities students participate in like recycling.
8. To ensure the safety of the students' identity Mr. McClung tells his students never use their last name when posting comments or creating a profile.
9. In the C4K blog my post was Susan G. Komen For the Cure. In this blog Mr. McClung and his class is a part of a fundraiser to help with the research for cancer. This is Mr. McClung's second year participating.
10. Mr. McClung has many blogs that I would like to use. I like the way he post blogs about his students work. I would like to start a blog for Lupus. My mom has Lupus and it would be nice to get feedback from others who has friends and family with this disease.
11. Mr. McClung has a blog with a daily newsletter that will keep parents, students, and teachers informed about the current happenings in class including: experiments, projects, deadlines, assignments, and of course school news. Mr.McClung also has a variety of resources that are available to parents, teachers, and students that will be further explained as the school your progresses.
12. The students work on Mr. McClung blog demostrates great work and work that is well put together. The pictures are dynamical!