Thursday, February 24, 2011

Summary Post C4K Comments 1, 2, 3

My first C4K comment is about Ms. Naugle's 5th period math class.  Darion talks about and describes the different shapes of Geometry.  Darion explains what flat figures are, which are circles, retangles, and shapes.  Darion also talked about triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and hexagons.
I replied to Darion by saying how impressed I was with his knowledge about Geometry.

My second C4K comment is about two students, Aneisha and Selina who is reading a book called "Hooligan Wreckit" which talks about two boys Andy and Julian who are playing in the park after dark.  A policeman comes to the park , Andy runs away leaving Julian standing by the fence.
I replied by saying how interesting the story seem, because the girls did not tell the entire story.  I told the girls the book gave good advice as to what can happen when someone is "monkeying" around.  I told Aneisha that she is a great reader and Selina that she is a great speaker.

My third C4K comment Is about a student name Lorenzo who has a blog post with several pieces of his work illustrated.  In his post Lorenzo has a post about animation and the four stages of a butterfly, a volcano Dioramas, a post with him and his classmates doing water activity and a self portrait of himself, half his real face and the other half as a drawing.
I replied by telling Lorenzo that I like all his blog posts. The animation designs are awesome and how creative his volcano dioramas looks.  I complemented Lorenzo on his smile I told him that he looks so proud of his work.  I told Lorenzo I thought that it was so cool that his class has a time during school to practice their water skills, and that his self portrait was amazing.

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